
Speaking of Latino Immigration

A recent report on a study by UCLA sociologist David E. Hayes-Bautista makes no distinction between legal immigrants and illegal aliens when accusing police, politicians and citizens of bashing Hispanics.

I have heard Congressman (Dana) Rohrabacher speak about the illegal alien problem several times and he has not bashed Hispanics in general.

I have heard second- and third-generation Hispanics express concern about illegal immigrants invading our borders, and I have heard law-abiding citizens of all ethnic groups express concern about controlling our borders. The issue is enforcement of our immigration laws!


It is deceptive and irresponsible for the liberal media to constantly deny real fiscal problems attributed to the vast influx of illegal immigrants of all ethnic groups.

Citizens have a right to be concerned when over 27% of California’s budget deficit is attributable to the cost of illegal immigrants for welfare, education, medical care and criminal justice.

We simply can no longer afford to support illegal aliens at the expense of our citizens and legal immigrants.


