
Small Hotel Fire Extinguished Quickly

A small fire produced heavy smoke in the laundry room of Le Meridien Hotel Friday morning, but it was so quickly extinguished by hotel employees that guests were not aware of it, fire officials said.

The 5:45 a.m. fire was contained inside a dryer and nothing was burned but “some linen,” said General Manager Linda O’Toole. “We had smoke, quite a lot of smoke, but it all was in the back” of the third-floor laundry room of the hotel at 4500 MacArthur Blvd.

Two employees used extinguishers to put out the fire in minutes, O’Toole said. “It was a textbook drill--as if it had been a drill.”


The fire was caused by a mechanical failure in the commercial dryer, Newport Beach Fire Department officials said.
