
Southern California Job Market : Resource Guide : Where to Find Tips, Testing and Training at Little or No Cost

Aware Advisory

Services: vocational testing and counseling

Cost: fee for testing; counseling, free

Hours: Mon. and Wed., 10 a.m.-5 p.m.

Address: Santa Monica YWCA, 2019 14th St., Santa Monica

Telephone: (310) 452-3833


California Council for Veteran’s Affairs


* employment assistance

* job listings

* computer matching of applicant qualifications to employer requirements

educational resource library

* women’s shelter

Eligibility: must be a veteran

Cost: free

Hours: Mon.-Fri., 9 a.m.-4 p.m.; counseling 9 a.m.-1 p.m.

Address: 3943 S. Western Ave., Los Angeles

Telephone: (213) 299-6330


California Registry of Professional Counselors and Para-Professionals

Service: referrals to career counselors

Cost: referrals, free; counseling services, variable fees

Address: 2555 E. Chapman Ave., Suite 201, Fullerton

Telephone: (714) 871-6460


California Small Business Development Center

The program’s primary focus is the creation and retention of jobs and helping entrepreneurs to get a solid start in business. Twenty-three locally based centers form a statwide network linking the resources of government, the educational community and the private sector to help meet the needs of the small business community.


* in-depth, one-on-one consulting

* business planning and management assistance

* marketing and technical assistance * business education and training workshops

* assistance with expansion into the international marketplace

* technology transfer information and assistance

* economic and business data

* access to federal, state and local programs

* permit and licensing assistance

Cost: Consultations are free of charge and confidential.

Locations in Southern California:

* Eastern Los Angeles County SBDC (Pomona): (714) 629-2247

* Export SBDC of Southern California (Los Angeles): (213) 892-1111

* Greater San Diego Chamber of Commerce SBDC (La Jolla): (619) 453-9388

* Inland Empire SBDC (Riverside): (714) 781-2345

* Northern Los Angeles SBDC (Van Nuys): (818) 373-7092

* Orange County SBDC (Santa Ana): (714) 647-1172

* Southwestern College Small Business Development and International Trade Center (Chula Vista): (619) 482-6393

* Southwest Los Angeles Small Business Development Center (Torrance): (310) 782-3861


Career Encores

Services: Hotline referral service for persons aged 50 and older seeking information on a wide variety of services, including job training, job opening listings and job search assistance. Hotline is also available to employers with job openings to list. Services County of Los Angeles only, networking with 45 other agencies throughout the county. Information on employment opportunities for older persons in all counties in Southern California is listed under Area Agency on Aging (AAA) in county government sections of local telephone directories.


Cost: free.

Hotline hours: Mon.-Fri., 9 a.m.-3 p.m.

Telephone: (213) 939-0391.


Career Planning Center

Private, non-profit community based organization.


job resource center featuring reference library and job listings

* specialized clerical training funded by Employment Training Panel

* skills assessment, counseling, resume critiquing and job search skills workshop by appointment

* psychotherapy related to job loss

Costs: job resource center library and job listings, free; specialized clerical training (limited availability) based on acceptance, free; skills assessment, including counseling, $175; counseling, $65 per hour; resume critiquing, $45; psychotherapy based on sliding scale

Hours: Mon. and Wed., 1-4 p.m.; Tue., 9 a.m.-noon.

Address: 1623 South La Cienega Blvd., Los Angeles

Telephone: (310) 273-6633


Employment Development Department

State agency offering a wide variety of services to job seekers and employers.


* Job Match, a statewide computer network matching job applicants and job openings

* job search training workshops

* Experience Unlimited job clubs geared to professional, managerial and technical workers who are seeking jobs


* referrals to training or educational facilities and social service agencies

* unemployment and disability insurance

Cost: free

Telephone: Look for nearest EDD Job Service office, listed under “California, State of “ in the government listings section at the beginning of the telephone directory white pages.


Environmental Engineering for Engineers

A Los Angeles County Private Industry Council training program.

Services: Provides intensive, integrated training for unemployed aerospace, defense and other engineers.

Requirements: Participants must be either currently eligible for Unemployment Insurance or have exhausted employment benefits within the last 24 months. Additionally, qualified applicants must have:


* a bachelor’s degree or higher in engineering from an accredited educational institution

* GPA of 2.5, or higher, in engineering coursework

* at least one college level, or higher, course in chemistry

* at least five years of engineering experience

* ability to use a personal computer

* ability to communicate in English fluently

Successful applicants must commit themselves to employment with a participating employer in the environmental engineering science field for at least 90 days after the completion of training.

Cost: No cost to participants or employers

How to apply: Applications for spring training (January 19-April 28, 1993) will be available in December. Contact Experience Unlimited at the following State of California Employment Development Department (EDD) locations:

* Hollywood - 1116 N. McCaddan Place

* Lancaster - 1420 West Ave. “I”

* North Hollywood - 11049 Magnolia Blvd.

* Pasadena - 1207 E. Green St.

* Torrance - 1220 Engracia

* West Covina - 933 South Glendora Ave.

Telephone: Look for nearest EDD office, listed under “California, State of” in the government listings section at the beginning of the telephone directory white pages.


Forty Plus

A non-profit, self-help employment service geared toward people over forty with professional, technical or executive level experience.


* instruction in computer skills, resume preparation, interview and networking techniques

* job listings

* research library

* free seminars

* bi-weekly meetings of active membership

Cost: entrance fee, monthly dues and charges for computer time and telephone service

Hours: Mon.-Sun., 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m.

Address: 3450 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 510, Los Angeles

Telephone: (213) 388-2301

Other locations:

* 23172 Plaza Pointe Drive, Suite 285, Laguna Hills, (714) 581-7990

* 4715 Viewridge Ave., Suite 200, San Diego, (619) 278-5355

Jewish Vocational Service

Non-profit, non-sectarian service organization.


* motivational workshops

* job search workshops

* interview workshops

* resume workshops

* Job Club support group geared to professionals

* job listings

* research library

* one-on-one career counseling

* special job placement services for the disabled

* immigrant employment program (for residents of West Hollywood who have been in the U.S. for less than 10 years)


Cost: registration fee, $50; counseling per session, $60 or less

Hours: Center is open Mon.-Thur. 11 a.m.-1 p.m.; calls for more information may be made Mon.-Thur., 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. and Fri., 8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m.


Address/telephone: 6505 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 303, Los Angeles, (213) 655-8910

22622 Vanowen St., West Hills, (818) 587-3222

Job Club

Employment service for persons 50 and older serving the San Fernando Valley area only. Services:

* workshops on job search skills for older workers

* assistance with job leads

* orientation meetings Fridays, 10 a.m.

Cost: free

Telephone: Call (818) 842-7507 before visiting facility.


National Board for Certified Counselors

Service: referrals to career counselors

Cost: referrals, free; counseling services, variable fees

Address: 3-D Terrace Way, Greensboro, North Carolina, 27403

Telephone: (919) 547-0607


Pacific Asian Consortium

in Employment (PACE)


* Job Training Partnership Act programs providing free job training to low-income residents of Los Angeles county

* county refugee program offering vocational training in electronic assembly, placement, on-the-job training and English as a Second Language program

Hours: Mon.-Fri., 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m.

Address: 2525 W. 8th Street, Los Angeles

Telephone: (213) 389-2373


Private Industry Councils’ Job Training Programs

The Job Training Partnership (JTPA) of 1982 provides federal funding for locally managed employment and training programs. Private Industry Councils (PICs) within 52 service areas in California plan job training and employment programs to meet the needs of their local labor market. PIC/JPTA programs offer training in a wide variety of occupations which vary according to service area.

Services: educational, vocational and on-the-job training; job search skills and placement; dislocated workers program; summer youth program

Eligibility: Applicants may qualify for one or more reasons, including a layoff, long-term unemployment, income below poverty levels; qualifations vary according to service area.


Benefits to employers: pre-screened and trained applicants; wage reimbursement and/or tax credits

Cost: For qualified applicants, training and placement services are free. Services provided to employers are also free of charge.

Telephone: 1-800-FOR-A-JOB. Applicants will be referred to appropriate service area office based on their zip codes. Employers may call the same number for information about hiring trainees.


Small Business Incubators

Small business incubators are facilities that offer small businesses the opportunity to lease adaptable space at a reduced rate on felxible terms. The objective of most small business incubators is to encourage the establishment of small businesses and to increase their chances of success.

Services vary but may include:

* leases on business space on flexible terms at below-market rates

* shared equipment and services among tenants, such as secretarial and clerical support, fax machines, copiers, data and word processing, building maintenance and security * information about financial and technical assistance

* reduced operating expenses by providing co-op advertising and group buying

* workshops on a variety of subjects of interest to the small business entrepreneur

Cost: variable depending largely on rent


* Adelanto Business Incubator, c/o Victor Valley Community College, 18422 Bear Valley, Victorville, (619) 941-3114


* Center for Business Excellence, c/o Black Business Alliance of Orange County, 1202 Civic Center Drive W., Suite 205, Santa Ana, (714) 547-2707

* CIDCO Business Incubator, P.O. Box 2343, El Centro, CA 92244 (619) 337-4542

* GE Industrial Park, 10681 Foothill Blvd., Suite 455, Rancho Cucamonga, (714) 983-4848

* Inland Empire Enterprise Center, 800 N. Haven, Ontario, (714) 945-7877

* Lancaster Economic Development Corp., 104 East Avenue K-4, Suite A, Lancaster, (805) 945-2741

* Ontario Commercial Center, 3535 Inland Empire Blvd., Ontario, (714) 941-0333

* Pasadena Enterprise Center & Development Corp., 506 N. Lake Ave., Pasadena, (818) 398-9971

* Pomona Economic Development Corp., P.O. Box 1073, Pomona, CA 91769, (714) 620-2189

* San Diego Business Innovation Center, 3350 Market St., San Diego, (619) 531-0784

* Santa Ana Business Enterprise Center, 901 E. Santa Ana Blvd., Santa Ana, (714) 647-1134

* Vermont Slauson Economic Development Corp., 5918 S. Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, (213) 753-2335


UCI Extension Women’s Opportunities Center

Career development center. Men and women are welcome.


* one-on-one career counseling

* workshops

* resume counseling

* weekly job search support group

* career/education resource library

* job listings

* discounts to specified UCI Extension course

Cost: $35 annual membership fee; workshop fees

Hours: Mon.-Thur., 9 a.m.-7 p.m.; Fri., 9 a.m.-4 p.m.; Sat., 9 a.m.-noon.

Address: The center is located at the UCI Extension complex on the University of California, Irvine campus.

Telephone: (714) 856-7128


UCLA Extension Career

Development Services


* career assessment and counseling

* career skills development workshops

* networking workshops

* career resource library

* career options for adults aged 50+

Cost: comprehensive individual counseling, assessment and networking workshop, $760; individual career assessment, $495; managerial/supervisory assessment, $360; career skills development workshop, $45.


Telephone: (310) 825-2934


Women at Work

A non-profit organization focusing on career concerns of women, but men are welcome.


* drop-in resource room featuring a library and job listings

* counseling, testing and resume writing

* specially funded programs for single parents, displaced homemakers and Hispanic professional women with limited English

* evening workshops on career planning, resume writing, interview techniques, networking and 50+ job hunting

* panel discussions

Costs: drop-in resource room, free; counseling and resume writing, $50; occupational testing, including counseling, $90; evening workshops, $10-$20.

Hours: Mon., Tues., Thurs., 10 a.m.-4 p.m.; Wed., 10 a.m.-7 p.m.

Address: 78 N. Marengo Ave., Pasadena Telephone: (818) 796-6870


Work Net Services

Private, non-profit career development and job placement service.


* job preparation seminars

* one-on-one sessions with career developers

* assistance in survival job placements and career development with the goal of long-term employment stability

Cost: free to job seekers and employers

Hours: Mon.-Thur., 7:30 a.m.-4 p.m.; Fri., 7:30 a.m.-2 p.m.

Address: 1242 E. Colorado Blvd., Suite A, Pasadena

Telephone: (818) 793-5627
