
Council Priorities Need Rearranging

How interesting and sad to see it finally in dollars and cents. The Laguna Hills City Council spends $4,000 of taxpayer money in a trivial feud over a street-name change (“Oso Parkway Stretch Gets Its Name Back,” July 28).

Need anyone remind them that babies here die every day because there are no funds for adequate prenatal care for poor families? And that trauma centers have closed and the strain felt by all as a result?

It is this kind of irresponsible fat-cat spending by Republicans in all offices (even so-called nonpartisan offices) throughout the land that has driven our country to the brink of financial ruin. This is, of course, the same tax-and-spend Republican Party that sent John Sununu by first-class flights to his dentist and their second-highest statesperson, Dan Quayle (is there an “e” at the end?), everywhere on Air Force 2, again at our expense.


And what’s next from the solidly Republican Laguna Hills council who threw out the baby with the bath water, by politically trashing other community input in their quest to “Save Laguna Hills”? Many more thousands of taxpayer dollars (spent) over a land-war by Interstate 5 at Cabot Road, where a wetland and natural habitat have already been destroyed.

Anyone else had enough yet?

