
Atrocities in Bosnia

In response to “A Matter of Conscience--as Well as Policy,” editorial, Aug. 5:

Your excellent editorial correctly spells what our Administration should have done long ago: push for the military pressure on Serbia--this is after all the only language that an aggressor understands. It can also be added, that unlike the misleading statements from our Administration and Secretary of Defense Dick Cheney, there is, as yet, no need to send “hundreds of thousands of our soldiers” to Bosnia. An effective immediate help is much less costly, and amounts to simply giving the brave Bosnian defenders some air support and lots of quality arms.

It is amazing that our Administration “experts” are ignoring the fact that these same Bosnian fighters, practically unarmed, have been holding heavily armed Serbian aggressors for months now. Giving them decent arms would make a lot of sense, wouldn’t it? The alternative is to continue with this wishy-washy and cynically immoral politics of our Administration so that, once the Bosnian fighters have been slaughtered or disposed through Serbian concentration camps, Cheney’s prophecy will be self-fulfilled, and we may have to send our boys over there, after all.


