
Ideal Beauty: Image Isn’t Everything

As I read “Western Glamour: Russia’s New Ideal” (June 26), I kept waiting for the author to conclude that Russia’s new fascination with Western beauty is as tragic as it may be valued. But she did not.

The entire article glorified the lifestyle of so many women in this country who give up large portions of their lives and sanity in search of the ultimate in unattainable perfection, as defined by American advertising.

We hear a lot about sexual harassment, degradation and objectification of women. We hear little, however, about the fact that the “Western Beauty Image” perpetrates this condition of women by convincing not only men, but women, that their worth as human beings is defined by their dress size. If women felt beautiful and worthy as they are, I doubt the cosmetic surgery industry would be as big as it is.


In addition, advertising would not have the effect of causing American teen-agers to have eating disorders, or of contributing to the incredibly low self-image so many American women have of themselves. If Russian women think this is something to strive for, they are sorely mistaken.


Los Angeles
