
PLATFORM : Next Pay Cut Spells the End for Teachers

<i> GARY SURDAM and his wife, Mildred, are elementary school teachers for the Los Angeles Unified School District. He has taught for seven years and she for six. He talked about the financial sacrifices teachers are asked to make:</i>

In order to make ends meet, I have to teach night school twice a week. But as teachers, we are not looking to become wealthy. We are not asking for outrageous salaries; we are simply looking to earn a decent living for our families as other professionals do.

How do the district, state and U.S. governments expect teachers to survive financially? This past year, the school district cut our pay by 3 1/2% . In our family, that amount was doubled because we both teach. The school district is now talking about possibly cutting our pay an additional 8% or more. This would be disastrous because again it would affect our income twice. This does not take into account the cost-of-living raise that we should receive, but will not.

I cannot imagine how our country, which supposedly prides itself on its educational system, can stand by and let this outrageous pay cut happen.


My wife and I both graduated from college looking forward to someday being able to own the home of our dreams. We are still renting an apartment and our dreams of owning our own home seem unattainable.

Opening our young students’ minds and encouraging them to learn are the reasons why we teach. Being able to prepare our students to be outstanding pillars of society is very rewarding. Two years ago, I would never have thought about giving up teaching. But, unfortunately our family’s financial future seems very bleak in our otherwise rewarding profession.

Good teachers are an asset to our country. They are helping to build the future of America. Why then is America turning its back on its teachers? It doesn’t make sense.
