
Helmets for Bike Riders

Three cheers for Sen. Marian Bergeson (R-Newport Beach) and her bill that would let cities require children to wear bicycle helmets every time the kiddies get back in the saddle seat (“A Cycle of Unnecessary Injuries,” editorial, July 2).

I wholeheartedly supported the bill in the Senate Transportation Committee and on the Senate floor. But we have to go beyond mandates to protect our children; we have to teach them about safe riding and the importance of “brain buckets.”

For the record:

12:00 a.m. July 15, 1992 For the Record
Los Angeles Times Wednesday July 15, 1992 Home Edition Metro Part B Page 6 Column 4 Metro Desk 1 inches; 18 words Type of Material: Correction
Affiliation-San Diego State Sen. Lucy Killea was wrongly identified as a Democrat (letter,July 12); she is an independent.

That’s why I sponsored a resolution this year (it passed into law last month) urging school districts across the state to set up bicycle safety policies.


I’m not talking about shelling out big bucks here. I’m not asking districts to spend money they don’t have. The fact is, schools can make tremendous headway on bike safety without spending a dime. They can designate one entrance to the campus for bicyclists and another some distance away for cars. They can turn to local bike and auto clubs to provide information and workshops. They can ask the local police department to sponsor a bicycle rodeo. We did this in the Capitol with lots of expert young bicyclists--all sporting helmets--and it was a terrific success.

Think about it: We can save a child from injury or death with a little time, a little thought and a little expertise. And not a lot of money.

Talk about return on investment.


State Senator

D-San Diego
