
Storm’s Stubborn Remnants Leave County in Rain, Fog


Stubborn remnants of Hurricane-turned-Tropical Storm Darby continued to shroud Ventura County in fog and occasional showers Saturday and the gloomy weather may continue through today, meteorologists said.

“We’re kind of sitting in the doldrums,” said meteorologist Rea Strange of the Pacific Weather Analysis in Montecito. The thick marine layer that blanketed most of Ventura County Saturday will remain, he said, “until something comes along to blow it out. I don’t see that in the offing anytime soon.”

The unusually thick marine layer--10,000 feet instead of the average 3,000 feet--will keep most of Ventura County under gray skies today, Strange and other meteorologists predicted. Scattered showers Saturday left traces of rain across the county, with less than 0.10 inch of rain reported in Moorpark, Ventura and Point Mugu. Santa Barbara reported the most rain with half an inch by nightfall.


Margaret Gross, a meteorologist with WeatherData Inc., suggested that the thick marine layer may take days to dissipate completely. “We are hoping that maybe by late Tuesday the clouds will be clearing,” she said.

The National Weather Service forecast for today calls for fog at the beaches, with morning low clouds turning to partial clearing inland by the afternoon. Beaches may see occasional sun once morning clouds burn off, and mountain areas can expect some showers as the marine layer pushes up the valley, Strange said.

Highs today are expected to be in the 70s to 80s with overnight lows in the mid to upper 60s. Southwest swells of two to three feet will increase to four feet by Monday afternoon, Strange said.


Muggy, moisture-laden air is not unusual in July, Strange said, but the clouds tend to dissipate after a few days. “What is unusual is that it has lasted as long as it has,” he said.
