
Make U.S. Immigration Policy Fair, Enforceable

Harry Bernstein has comprehensively spelled out many of the key issues involving illegal immigrants in this country, “Stopping Flood of Illegal Immigrants” (June 6). However, some points need more emphasis.

First, we absolutely must have a more secure border. It may take troops and walls to do the job, but our border must be secured.

Second, Americans must realize that once we stop exploiting the desperate people from south of the border, we are going to have to pay our own citizens a living wage for work once done by illegals. That will raise the cost of services in a wide variety of fields, such as gardening, restaurant and hotel industries, construction and agriculture.


Americans have been living well by exploiting illegal immigrants. To break this habit is going to be very difficult, but to not break it is to say that our own citizens do not deserve a chance to make a living wage.

If a living wage had been guaranteed for our own people for work now done by illegals, it is doubtful we would have had the L.A. riots.

America has always prided itself on fairness. We take in immigrants from all over the world. But those who are seeking legal entry are being cheated of that opportunity by the illegal aliens who are jumping into line ahead of them.


Several special interest groups have worked to undercut the efforts of our government to make immigration orderly and fair. Without a fair and enforceable immigration policy, we give the impression to immigrants that our laws don’t count for anything.


