
The Bob-O-Matic

There must have been a problem in the collating department at The Times for the issue of June 28. At least my copy seems to be missing a few pages.

Every time Robert Hilburn has a cover story, I can count on his usual sycophantic references to rock music’s B Team (Bob, Bono and Bruce). A few weeks ago, I even won a no-look bet with my girlfriend that Hilburn would not, could not, make it through another Springsteen review without the obligatory comparison to Messrs. Dylan and Hewson. (The trip to Palm Springs was great; thanks, Jeanette.)

On the 28th, with a Garth Brooks cover story (“The Amazing Garth-O-Matic”) and a U2 comparison teaser in the right column, my girlfriend wouldn’t touch the bet--not even for a weekend in Vegas. After three careful searches, she feels that she was cheated and has booked a room at the Mirage, on me .

Please send the missing pages (with the B Team references) to me at home, or care of the Mirage Hotel and Casino, Las Vegas.

Thanking you in advance,


