
*** “ELVIS IN THE MOVIES”, Elvis Presley. <i> Good Times Home Video ($9.98)</i>

Here’s a great concept: Salute an actor’s career through the theatrical trailers to all his films. In Elvis’ case, that’s 33 trailers, ranging from the “rebel” Elvis of “Jailhouse Rock” to the cliff-diving Elvis of “Fun in Acapulco” to the twin Elvises in “Kissin’ Cousins.” It’s fun to see how every trailer promises, in effect, “Elvis as you’ve never seen him before,” when he was virtually playing the same role in every film. The quality of the tape viewed was quite poor in spots, though the company promises to exchange any defective tapes.

Items in this periodic survey of pop-related books, videocassettes and laser discs are rated on a scale of one asterisk (poor) to five (a classic).
