
Supreme Court on School Prayers

The Supreme Court decision on prayer in the public schools was the only right decision that could have been made. I am surprised that the vote was not unanimous.

It is time for the “religious right-wing” to know that we do not have a state church or national religion, so there is no need for a state prayer system in the public schools. Where do they even get the idea that God wants to be prayed to? Islam? The Bible? The Zoroastrian scriptures? The Veda? Homer’s “Iliad”? What’s their authority for this important issue?

The religious right-wing agenda is nothing less than a state-sponsored and state-supported established fundamentalist Christian Protestant church. It is their goal to force their state church’s teachings on all citizens. Their six-day creation myth will be taught as historical fact in the public school biology classes. Their religion’s views on abortion and family planning will be state law with heavy penalties for heretics. State funds will be used in a “voucher system” to support fundamentalist Christian schools. They want a constitutional amendment that will legalize Christian prayer and devotional Bible readings in all public schools. The Christian Coalition of the Rev. Pat Robertson has not made any secret of its aims, methods and goals.


We are going to be reading about these battles for the minds and dollars of all American citizens. I just hope that reason and rationalism will not lose the war.


Santa Ana
