
Migrant Encampment

I am writing with regard to the article “Homeowners Lose Yard to Migrant Encampment” (May 4).

The article left me feeling both outraged and confused. Initially, the photo of the McCartys generated rage, as they “sat by their shimmering pool sipping champagne” complaining of the filth and squalor that often accompanies poverty.

Then, trying to be fair, I wondered how I would react if it were my land that had been invaded, and I remembered why I left England and came to live in America. Socialism! It doesn’t work.


And so my anger is directed at The Times. If you want to make a social statement, be upfront about it. Don’t clothe it in the guise of unbiased reporting. I think the pictures deliberately gave a different slant to the story. I found the article to be unfair to the McCartys, the immigrants and your readers.

If you have an opinion, put it where it belongs, on the editorial page.

