
A Non-Brain Surgeon’s View of Pay TV

So “Pay TV Fights to Win Back Restive Viewers” (May 31).

Gee, that’s tough. It seems pay TV executives are confused about the flight of over-30 baby boomers, who no longer are paying to watch couch-potato reruns of old movies. Well, here’s my consultation advice for free.

You’ve got it wrong on the multiplexing idea, but you’re half right about basic cable cost. The other 50% of the problem is pay-per-view to see newly released films that I can pick up from the video store for $2 less per film.

When cable TV was new, I used to subscribe because that was the only place (outside of a theater) that I could see new films for less (VCRs were not on the market). I haven’t become so lazy that I can’t stop at the video store on my way home from work in order to save $80 per month.



Canoga Park
