
Happiness Is Just a Thing Called Bruce

Hilburn has no credibility when it comes to writing about Springsteen. I am a fan of Springsteen’s, and I cringe when I see yet another “tribute” by Hilburn because all of his gushing is overkill.

I don’t care if Springsteen gets divorced and marries Leona Helmsley as long as he produces music I can listen to. His personal life is nobody’s business.

Hilburn has forced Bruce’s “fall from grace” down our throats. Did anyone ever accuse Sinatra of falling from grace for his marriages? Who cares?


Those of us who are so simple-minded as to just want to hear Springsteen with a good band are very happy to let Hilburn monitor his every move--his navel contemplation--if that is what would make him happy. Just don’t print it in The Times.


Santa Monica
