
SIMI VALLEY : Computers to Teach Students Dissection

Responding to a student’s complaint about biology class dissection, Royal High School in Simi Valley will begin a program to allow students to learn about physiology by computer simulation.

Students who are morally opposed to dissection will be able next fall to learn about a frog’s internal organs with a computer program and a three-dimensional plastic model, said Doug Robinson, science chairman at Royal High.

At Simi Valley High, biology students who do not want to perform dissections use an interactive video program and three-dimensional models as an alternative assignment, Principal David Ellis said.


In the past, Royal High students who decided against dissecting animals such as worms, frogs, cats, crayfish, perch and fetal pigs were provided with an alternative assignment, in accordance with the state Education Code.

“The computer program will be closer to the actual thing than the materials they have been given,” Robinson said.

“There has been a concern growing over the past few years. There are a few more students each year who object.”


In October, Kim Stratton, who graduated this week from Apollo Continuation High School, told the school board that she believed that dissection is an outdated method that should be replaced by modern alternatives.

Secondary science department chairpersons took a poll of science teachers, who overwhelmingly responded that dissection is an effective teaching method in junior high and high school classes.

Apollo High has a new computer, but software for teaching about dissections has not yet been purchased, said John Tillman, physical science/life science teacher.


When about half of his biology class joined Stratton’s protest last fall, Tillman allowed them to do a research project and even excused them from class on days when dissections were performed.

“Some didn’t like the yucky experience and others felt like, ‘Why are you messing with these worms?’ ” Tillman said. Stratton “definitely heightened everyone’s awareness.”
