
Of the 100 largest publicly traded companies...

Of the 100 largest publicly traded companies in Orange County, 22 gained value Tuesday, 42 lost and 36 remained unchanged for the day.

Tues. Percent Company Price Change GAINERS Trimedyne Inc. $9.50 +8.6 Koll Management 10.25 +6.4 Western Digital 4.50 +5.9 PDA Engineering 12.25 +4.3 Newport Corp. 6.88 +3.8 LOSERS Diceon Electronics 2.75 -8.3 Vans 17.50 -7.9 Fortis 14.00 -6.7 Quantum Health 20.00 -6.5 ReadiCare 3.75 -6.3

Source: Newport Securities
