
O.C.PLATFORM : Irvine’s General Plan


The Irvine City Council recently voted to change the Irvine General Plan to accommodate Christ College Irvine, which will now sell land to developers (for the purpose of) adding more housing tracts to the village of Turtle Rock. This change in the General Plan comes from a City Council majority that ran for office last year on a platform to preserve the city’s general plan.

The college argued, (and the council majority agreed), that because it was in financial trouble, it deserved the General Plan change to receive millions of dollars from the sale of newly rezoned land. This reasoning, however, can apply to many of us in Irvine with cash-flow problems. Who wouldn’t like city permission to add revenue-generating units on our properties?

It’s certainly a sad day for Irvine when our leaders show such little respect for their own campaign promises, for fairness and for the integrity of Irvine’s General Plan limits on housing development.
