
ANAHEIM : 8-Year Treasurer Turner Will Retire

City Treasurer Mary E. Turner will retire Aug. 29 after eight years with the city.

Turner, 56, was unavailable for comment Friday but in a press release she said she is quitting so she and her husband can possibly move to Arkansas.

A search for a successor has begun, the city announced. The salary range for the position is $74,510 to $102,452 annually.

The City Council will consider Tuesday whether to hire Turner as a consultant to help her successor with the transition.


In a tentative agreement hammered out with the city, Turner would work up to 400 hours as a consultant giving “advice and recommendations to the treasurer and/or City Council concerning the collection, handling, depositing and investing of public funds.”

The cost, if she worked all 400 hours, would be $30,000.

The council will also consider a proposal to pay up to $2,700 to cover 75% of her medical insurance costs for a year after her retirement. The meeting begins at 5 p.m. at City Hall, 200 S. Anaheim Blvd.
