
Brown’s Judge Appointments

California is fortunate that the judges of this state are free from the conflict-of-interest and bribery problems known in some other states. Your story on political contributions to Brown by judicial aspirants is as much of a non-story as this reader has ever seen. It is a fact of political life that a governor’s reelection staff will look for financial contributions. The article documents 42 persons among several hundred appointees who contributed more than $700 over several years.

The problem with such a waste-of-space article is the implication some readers may derive that judgeships in California can be bought. This simply is not the case; it was not true for Jerry Brown or any other governor in memory. The innuendo is not only a non-story about a former governor, it is a slur on the judges of California.


Superior Court Judge

Former Chair, Ethics Committee

California Judges Assn., Los Angeles
