
CORONA DEL MAR : City Amends Ban on Parking Along Street

A tiny portion of Avocado Avenue in Corona del Mar between Pacific Avenue and Waterfront Drive has become a bit of a headache for city traffic engineers, prompting city officials to backtrack on a plan to ban street parking.

City trash trucks have had a tough time maneuvering down the narrow street to pick up residential garbage from sidewalk cans, and that trek was worsened by cars parked along the street.

So city traffic engineers put up “No Parking Any Time” signs to give garbage crews a little more room to navigate their bulky trucks on the 15-foot-wide street.


But the plan angered area residents, who protested the loss of local curbside parking for the sake of the garbage trucks.

In response, the City Council last week approved a plan to prohibit parking there only during the time that the trash trucks make their rounds.

Now there will be no parking on the stretch of Avocado Avenue between Pacific and Waterfront drives from 6 a.m. to 1 p.m. Thursdays.
