
If All the World Loves a Clown . . .

The Scene: Wednesday night’s West Coast premiere of “Shakes the Clown,” a controversial new comedy from IRS Media. Clown lovers and haters alike gathered at the Academy of Television Arts and Sciences in North Hollywood for the screening. Later, the crowd celebrated at a circus-themed party complete with Ferris wheel and carousel.

The Buzz: The film has gotten some rubber noses out of joint among professional clowns, who see nothing wacky about the movie’s alcoholic clowns spouting profanity and beating up mimes. At the New York premiere Monday night, more than 100 clowns scheduled to appear backed out at the last moment. Commented writer-director-star Bobcat Goldthwait, “The clowns haven’t even seen it. They’re about as open-minded as Jesse Helms.”

Who Was There: Goldthwait, producer Ann Luly; co-stars Julie Brown, Florence Henderson, Kathy Griffin and Tom Kenny; and guests Richard Belzer, David Bowie and Iman, Jackson Browne, John Cusack, Paul Dooley, Sam Kinison, Graham Nash, Tom Scott, Judy Tenuta, and Robert Wuhl. There was an absence of children.


Money Matters: Tickets were $50, and the evening raised more than $25,000 for Comic Relief, a charity that aids the homeless.

Fashion Statement: Goldthwait wore an orange plaid suit with an oversize green bow tie. Judy Tenuta wore a gold lame pantsuit. The one real clown in attendance wore greasepaint, plastic leg irons and two balloons in the seat of his pants. (People were wondering whether he would be ostracized by fellow clowns for his appearance.)

Chow: Ravioli, hot pasta, Caesar salad, a dessert buffet, beer and wine, and an array of clown food--cotton candy, popcorn and fishbowls of bubble gum.


Favors: “Shakes” buttons, rubber cigars, plastic watches, slide whistles and balloon animals.

Overheard: Remarked one party-goer, “I don’t know which is scarier, clowns or all these agents.”

Pro-Clown Philosophy: Asked about the controversy, Florence Henderson said, “I love clowns, but I think they should see the movie before criticizing it. Then if they still want squeaky clean entertainment, they can watch ‘The Brady Bunch.’ ”


Triumphs: The Television Academy is a great place for a premiere, with a beautiful screening room and lots of outdoor space.

Glitches: Instead of putting the food outside, party organizers set up the buffet in the lobby, making things more crowded than a Volkswagen full of clowns.

