
Santa Clarita Expands Its Recycling Program

The city of Santa Clarita is expanding its recycling programs to reduce the amount of garbage dumped in area landfills.

Under a pilot program, Blue Barrel Disposal, which serves Valencia and Saugus, will now pick up yogurt and cottage cheese containers, plastic foam cups, plastic foam meat and poultry trays and clear plastic deli containers, said Gail Foy, the city’s spokeswoman.

Residents throughout the city may now place old newspapers in a brown paper bag instead of tying them in bundles, Foy said.


And to cut down on junk mail that ends up in garbage dumps, the city is giving out cards that residents may send to a national center requesting that their names be eliminated from mailing lists.

For more information, please call the city Public Works Department at (805) 294-2500.
