
Mailings Are No Surprise

I read with dismay, but with no surprise, that Rep. Elton Gallegly has used public funds to send two mailings to 95,000 homes that are not currently part of his district, but which will be the next time he runs for election. (It has been estimated that much publicity would cost a challenger $24,000.) Below is an excerpt of a letter I sent to your paper in September, 1988:

“Yesterday’s mail brought to our home a political mailing that practically consumes itself in unintentional irony. I refer to Congressman Elton Gallegly’s ‘Washington Report to the People of the 21st Congressional District.’ The entire newsletter goes beyond the usual self-promoting P.R. we expect from most of our officeholders; rather, at least three-quarters of it is direct, highly partisan, election-season propaganda, paid for by you and me.”

That was 1988. Now it’s election season again. This time, however, Mr. Gallegly promises never to do it again.


This time.

What more is there to say?


