
Chance to Fix Dangerous Situation

But for the grace of God and good fortune, RV resort developer Arnold Hubbard and Ventura’s Planning Commission and City Council members could have been responsible for the deaths of innocent campers in the recent flooding.

As it is, more than $1 million worth of unnecessary damage and unaccounted public safety operation costs have accrued. The rainstorms of the past month indicate the folly of allowing any development in the mouth of the Ventura River.

Friends of the Ventura River vigorously challenged permitting Hubbard’s RV park before both the Planning Commission and City Council, but to no avail. The group warned about the flood hazards, the risks to human life and property, and were skeptical about allowing Hubbard to implement a “flood warning system.”


The group wanted the city to take over the “hobo jungle” area at the mouth of the Ventura River to rehabilitate the unique marine and riparian wildlife habitats and to provide a nature park for Venturans. All the city wanted was to clear out the transients and give Hubbard an unwarranted windfall.

Now we have an opportunity to view this matter more closely and intelligently.

Hubbard’s conditional-use permit should be re-evaluated and given rehearing by the Planning Commission to correct this dangerous situation permanently.

NEIL A. MOYER, president

Environmental Coalition

