

As a Haitian living in this country long enough to have become one of its citizens, I feel betrayed. No other people have been treated as poorly as the Haitian refugees. A genocide has begun and no one is paying attention. The refugee who is returned to Haiti will go back to her mountain village or her Port-au-Prince neighborhood only to be hunted down and one day attacked by Tontons Macoutes; their sharp machete blades will chop her arms and legs and she will be decapitated. Life is cheap in Haiti, especially if you are a supporter of democracy.

This scenario will be repeated over and over. No reporter will see it; no Western diplomat is going to find himself in Jeremie, Hinche, Gonaive, Cap-Haitian and countless other Haitian towns to document such atrocities. It has begun to happen. Have you seen any of it in the press?


Beverly Hills
