
Letter to Thomas

Federal Appeals Court Judge A. Leon Higginbotham Jr.’s exhortation (“Black Judge Tells Thomas of Need to Protect Civil Rights,” Feb. 14; excerpt from the letter, Opinion, Feb. 16) for Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas to toe the black Establishment line brings to mind John F. Kennedy’s presidential campaign during which he had to convince the public he would not preside over the Executive Branch as a representative of the Vatican.

Realizing the diversity of opinion, even in the black community, it should be enough for Justice Thomas to rule as he sees fit as an American. The United States will respect the new justice for integrity as he defines it just as other justices do. He need not look over his shoulder for black applause.

In fact, his independent stance may provide greater strength and courage for the young who need that strength and courage to climb out of dependence into the mainstream.



Newport Beach
