
Homeowners Endorse 2 Council Candidates

Lancaster’s major homeowners group Monday endorsed two of its own officers--county Fire Department Capt. Mike Singer and civic worker Deborah Shelton--from a field of 12 candidates seeking a pair of City Council seats in the April 14 election.

Singer and Shelton will “bring an appropriate balance” to a council that has often favored developers’ interests at the expense of homeowners’ concerns, said Richard Wood, president of the Lancaster Coalition of Neighborhood Organizations.

The group passed over incumbent Councilman George Theophanis, who is running for another term. The other incumbent whose term is expiring, Bill Pursley, is not seeking reelection.


Singer is first vice president and Shelton is co-secretary of the umbrella group, which represents 23 homeowner, mobile-home, Neighborhood Watch and mutual water company organizations in the city. The endorsements were the result of balloting among member groups, Wood said.

Shelton is director of a help line for latchkey children.
