
When Worlds Collide (TNT Monday at 11:15...

When Worlds Collide (TNT Monday at 11:15 a.m.) Nifty 1951 George Pal science-fiction production turning upon evidence that within nine months a star will crash into Earth. Richard Derr and Barbara Rush star.

Akira Kurosawa Marathon (Tuesday on Bravo): “Sanshiro Sugata” (5 p.m.), “Stray Dog” (at 6:30 p.m., Wednesday at 1:35 a.m.) “The Lower Depths” (at 8:45 p.m.) and “The Bad Sleep Well” at 11 p.m.). Of special note are the neo-realist 1949 “Stray Dog” and the 1961 “Bad Sleep Well,” a sleek expose of corruption in high places; both star Toshiro Mifune.

The Right Stuff (KCOP Thursday at 10 a.m., concluding Friday at 10 a.m.) In this brash, beautiful, deeply American 1983 film, writer-director Philip Kaufman reached into Tom Wolfe’s hyperventilated account of America’s entry into the space age. The result is a high-spirited look at the bravery and lunacy of that era, contrasting the purity of the heroism of pilot Chuck Yeager (Sam Shepard) with that of the original astronauts.


Pumping Iron (KCET Saturday at 9 p.m.). George Butler and Robert Fiore’s witty and entertaining 1977 documentary confronts with the utmost sophistication the world of bodybuilding; this is the slick, shrewdly calculated entertainment which showed off Arnold Schwarzenegger’s witty charisma to such advantage.
