
Controversial Green Line

The many letters attacking the Green Line decision are encouraging (Jan. 8). While the issue of “Buy American” is an emotional one, the vote to spend substantially more for a questionable technology is even more illogical. The professionals of the LACTC clearly had their doubts, so what was it that so persuasively convinced the members of the commission to choose yet another incompatible rail technology? Lobbyists? Labor costs? The cutting edge of technology?

Mayor Bradley seems to be arguing the latter, as if Los Angeles were about to launch the Space Age of mass transit. I would swear the British and Canadians already beat us with their fully automated, driverless light rail systems. Those systems usually work, but don’t let anybody kid you--there are plenty of attendants on board the trains to check tickets, handle emergencies (like computer failures) and provide security. Will we have an armed sheriff’s deputy on each automated Green Line train?

Don’t misunderstand me, I do believe in the future. In fact I have a clear vision of it. We are speeding toward LAX and the computer voice comes on “if you have been mugged, spindled, or mutilated, please push the red button.” Maybe driverless buses will be next?


JOHN A. KIRCHNER, Prof. of Geography and Transportation, Cal State Los Angeles
