
S.D. Police Protection

In the pluperfect world of politics, the leaders lead and the followers follow. In San Diego, we have it backward. Our leaders raise taxes, and revenue falls (that’s a Laffer!), and our labor unions propose public safety ballot measures.

Last year in the 6th District in San Diego, the betrayed voters elected a representative on her promise of “more police.” Where was Valerie Stallings last week? Not with the three councilmen who endorsed the Police Officers Assn. initiative. She was out whining about the stadium noise. Valerie needs to remember only one thing. Linda (Bernhardt).

Our Mayor Mo said “No!” to the initiative. Well, she already has more personal bodyguards (police officers) than the Rancho Penasquitos area of the city. Go figure! I guess since it’s her last year at City Hall, she’s more interested in “Jack In the Books” than our safety.


Peter PLAN! found another way to be cynical and cravenly ambitious with his new “anti-crime (pleeeaasse elect meee!)” plan that stinks just like the other one(s).

To paraphrase Texas Gov. Ann Richards, “Where was George?” when the POA announced its initiative? And for that matter, where was Abbe, Judy and John et al.?

I do know where the good citizens of San Diego were. An awful lot of them were hiding in their homes after dark, afraid to go out because there aren’t enough police officers in this city.


