
Out of Touch With the Working Person

The Times has done it again. In a survey of people who have lost their jobs (“O.C. Coping with Effects of Recession,” Dec. 29), the greatest number of column inches (and cover picture) are devoted to a couple where the wife still has a well-paying job, the husband is still collecting a $100,000 salary for another six months after being laid off, and the children are still in private school. They are, however, unable to go to the Indy 500 next year, nor can they move into one of the $2-million homes he helped build.

While modest by golden parachute standards, it is far better than most workers being “restructured” are receiving. The Times seems about as in touch with the average working person as George Bush. What’s next, a feature on people who can’t afford their country club dues?

LEE AYDELOTTE, Huntington Beach
