
Antelope Valley Gets New Commuter Service

A new operator Thursday took over commuter bus service from the Antelope Valley to the San Fernando Valley and downtown Los Angeles, bringing new buses, an additional daily trip and a promise of lower fares for some passengers.

ATE Ryder Management Co. of Long Beach replaced the Antelope Valley Bus Co. under a six-month, $305,000 contract with the county of Los Angeles, which runs the service along with the cities of Lancaster and Palmdale. The three government entities plan to pick a new permanent operator this summer.

The county and the two cities bought 11 Neoplan, 40-seat buses for the commuter service at a cost of nearly $3 million and added a fifth daily trip downtown. In an attempt to increase ridership on the two daily San Fernando Valley trips, tickets for 22 round trips, which now cost $135, will be offered for $99 beginning Feb. 1, county transportation officials said.
