
Fire Department Asks for Donations of Toys

Saying donations this year are down, Los Angeles Fire Department officials are asking Southland residents to dip into their Christmas gift bags so a needy child can have a happy holiday season.

Spokesman Gary Svider said the Fire Department is seeking donations of toys because the number usually turned in for its annual gift giveaway program has dipped significantly. Last year, Svider said, firefighters and paramedics handed out about 70,000 toys through 70 civic and community groups. But unless the donations increase, that number could be cut in half this year, he said.

Fire Chief Donald O. Manning said the Fire Department is trying to fill the demand for toys among the needy and feels such donations are a reflection of the holiday spirit, according to Svider. He said anyone wishing to donate to the program can drop off an unwrapped new or used toy, in good condition, at any of the 104 Los Angeles city fire stations.
