
LIGHT STYLE : Low-Fat Eggnog?

Here’s a guilt-free eggnog with one-third the calories, cholesterol and fat found in traditional versions. Nonfat milk instead of cream, no-cholesterol egg substitute for egg yolks, and a scant amount of sugar and rum extract instead of alcohol, do the trick.


4 cups nonfat milk

1 cup egg substitute

2 1/2 tablespoons sugar

2 or 3 teaspoons rum extract

2 egg whites

Combine nonfat milk, egg substitute, 2 tablespoons sugar and rum extract in bowl. Beat with rotary beater or electric mixer until well blended. Chill thoroughly. Beat egg whites lightly with remaining sugar and fold into milk mixture.

Note: Although many recipes call for uncooked eggs, the U.S. Department of Agriculture has found them to be a potential carrier of food-borne illness and recommends that diners avoid eating raw eggs. Commercial egg substitutes may be used in place of raw eggs in certain circumstances. Check egg substitute package for applications.


Each 5-ounce serving contains about:

93 calories; 131 mg sodium; 3 mg cholesterol; 1 gram fiber; 10 grams carbohydrate; 9 grams protein; 0 fiber; 12% calories from fat.

Exchanges: 1 milk.

This column is based on the newly revised “Light Style: The Low Fat, Low Cholesterol, Low Salt Way to Good Food and Good Health,” by Dosti and Kidushim-Allen, a registered dietitian (HarperSanFrancisco: $14.95).
