
2 Relief Groups to Send Supplies to Soviet Cities

Two Los Angeles-area relief organizations have announced plans to send $800,000 worth of food and medical supplies to Soviet cities this winter.

Officials of Los Angeles-based Operation USA said the organization will send its third shipment of medical supplies this winter to St. Petersburg, Los Angeles’ sister city, at the request of Mayor Anatoly Sobchak. The 12-ton shipment, valued at $200,000, will include antibiotics, vitamins and medical equipment.

Monrovia-based World Vision, a nonprofit, international relief agency, announced that it has teamed up with the Best Western International hotel chain to send food to an estimated 40,000 Soviet families this winter. The organization has committed an initial $600,000 to the effort, which will help pay for food packages. Each “food pack” will supply a family of four with enough basic food items for three weeks. Shipments began arriving last month and will continue through the winter.
