
Bush Veto of Abortion Funds

In response to “House Sustains Bush’s Abortion Counseling Ban,” Nov. 20:

President Bush has exercised his veto power for the 24th time by axing the bill that contained a provision for overturning the ban on abortion counseling at family-planning clinics, which receive Title X funding. The House failed by a small margin (12 votes) to override his veto.

Bush continues to turn a deaf ear to the wishes of the public. A recent poll in California showed that 60% believe that a woman should be allowed to choose abortion in the first trimester rather than continue a forced or unwanted pregnancy. Doctors groups are among those who oppose the so-called “gag rule,” charging that it interferes with the doctor-patient relationship. Candidates who have plainly stated their pro-choice views have won in recent elections: Wofford in Pennsylvania, Wilder in Virginia and Florio in New Jersey.

Not only does Bush begin to look like a do-nothing President on domestic issues, he also looks more like a stubborn mule than an electable elephant.


