
Board Votes to Oppose Any Loss of Transit Power

On the eve of today’s meeting on the merger of the Los Angeles County Transportation Commission and the Southern California Rapid Transit District, county supervisors Tuesday voted to oppose any action that would weaken their power over transportation decisions.

Supervisor Ed Edelman said he opposes a proposal under which five supervisors would be members of a new 13-member transit governing board. Currently, the supervisors control five seats on the 11-member LACTC and RTD boards.

The RTD and LACTC boards, facing a year-end deadline to submit consolidation plans to the Legislature, meet today to discuss a merger.


Judy Hathaway-Francis, a La Habra Heights city councilwoman and a member of the County Transportation Commission, told supervisors that cities should have more representation on the new board. But Edelman argued, “Why should we sit here and let our power be whittled away?”
