
Smith, McGee Take the Heat at USC

As a Trojan-hater from the days when Howard Jones’ Thundering Herd was trampling the opposition by scores of 50-0 and more, I must protest.

I used to writhe in agony while Morton Kaer, Morley Drury and Orv Mohler would grind the likes of Pomona and Occidental into the Coliseum turf and would usually do the same to Stanford and Cal. But how I would savor the occasions when Rockne’s Irish or Madigan’s Gaels would return the favor and shove it down the Trojans’ throats. Those were exciting days.

But that was long ago. Now everybody beats SC, even the Branch (that’s what UCLA was called when it was down on Vermont). Next, Oregon State will do it. It’s no fun anymore, the thrill is gone.


C’mon, SC, get things back together so once more I can sing, “Time out for old SC, the fullback wants his salary,” and really enjoy it when the Trojans lose.


Agoura Hills
