
Condo Questions, Replies Gathered in One Volume

“Condo Q&A;” columnist Jan Hickenbottom has published a book, “Questions & Answers About Community Associations,” a 166-page soft-cover collection of columns printed in The Ties in the past 2 1/2 years.

The book provides answers to more than 125 of the most frequently asked questions about community associations. The 10 chapters, include topics such sa financial matters, board operations, enforcing CC&Rs;, architectural controls, and pools, pets and parking.

A nine-page index assists the reader in finding the exact toic of interest and cross-references for further information.


The book sells for $17, which includes tax, postage and packaging. Checks, made payable to Miller Publishing Co., should be sent to P.O. Box 5068, Thousand Oaks, Cailf. 91360. Allow four to six weeks for delivery.
