
It’s Time for Fiscal Reality

According to the Nov. 20 paper, the Board of Supervisors budgeted $350,000 to defend two individuals charged with 81 felony counts of fraud and theft. They are accused of defrauding as many as 2,000 investors out of millions of dollars. This money for their defenses was approved by the board in spite of the fact that, according to the news reports, these individuals have large incomes, expensive homes and cars.

Now this is kind of sick. Our local government can’t afford to feed or house the homeless or provide adequate medical care for the indigent and we’re supposed to pay $350,000 to defend allegedly rich people charged with stealing millions of dollars?

The Board of Supervisors may not have had a choice under present law. If that is the case, then the law needs to be changed. I do, however, suggest that there are some things that can be done now locally.


Why is the district attorney filing an 81-count criminal complaint against these defendants, when undoubtedly the same end-results could be achieved by charging a much lesser number of counts, which would result in a shorter trial?

It’s time some fiscal reality is brought home to the DA’s office.

JAMES M. JEFFERS, attorney, Camarillo
