
South El Monte : Job Program Funds OKd

The City Council last week voted 3 to 2 to fund on a trial basis a program to provide counseling and job referral to youths upon their release from county juvenile camps.

The program will be run by Project U-Turn, a private organization founded by former gang members.

The three-month pilot program will begin Dec. 1 with a $3,600 allocation from the city’s share of a federal community development block grant. If successful, it could be extended to a full year.


Councilmen Raul Pardo and David Sanchez voted against the allocation. Pardo said the program needed more planning to be successful.

Councilman Albert G. Perez said the staff members of Project U-Turn have the direct experiences with gang activities and the background to get the job done. “We need people with moxie,” he said.
