
Where’s the Beef? All Over I-5

A butcher truck northbound on Interstate 5 spilled its load of beef carcasses near the Carmel Valley Road exit Friday, causing a massive traffic jam that had evening commuters moving at a crawl in both directions.

A California Highway Patrol dispatcher said the accident occurred about 6:30 p.m. but did not know what caused the truck to spill its load. Commuters reported seeing sides of beef pushed off the side of the freeway.

Northbound traffic on Interstate 5 was backed up to La Jolla Village Drive, CHP officials said. For southbound commuters, the problem was compounded by gawking motorists who slowed and stopped to look at the scene across the freeway.


Northbound traffic on Interstate 805 was also backed up for several miles. Interstates 5 and 805 meet near the Carmel Valley Road exit on Interstate 5.

Caltrans crews were dispatched to the scene and workers began “cleaning up slimy stuff and other things” off the roadway, the CHP dispatcher said.

The backup caused numerous fender benders as drivers traveling at freeway speed had to brake suddenly. The slowdown also caused several cars to overheat, CHP officials said.


Traffic finally began moving about 8:15 p.m., when CHP officers took to directing northbound traffic while standing at the junction of both freeways.
