
Benefit Planned for Slain Man’s Family

A benefit concert will be held this weekend to help the family of John O’Brien, a recent Irish immigrant who was shot to death at a Hollywood automated teller machine early this month.

O’Brien, 28, was killed Nov. 3, three months after he was married. The slaying occurred when he went to help his wife, who was being robbed at an automated teller. Jose Anrian Cruz, 25, and Jose Francisco Diaz, 20, both of Los Angeles, have been charged with robbery and murder in the case. Both have pleaded not guilty, and a pretrial hearing has been set for Dec. 2.

O’Brien will be buried near his family’s home in Dublin, and his family needs help with travel expenses.


The Irish entertainment community in Los Angeles is helping to organize the benefit concert, which will take place at 5 p.m. Sunday at St. Ambrose Hall, 1261 N. Fairfax Ave. in Los Angeles. Tickets cost $25 and will be available at the door, or in advance at Molly Malone’s Pub, 575 S. Fairfax Ave.

The concert will feature Andrew Strong, lead singer for the Commitments; Colin Hay, formerly of Men At Work; Dave King, formerly of Katmandu, and Garrison White and the Young Dubliners.
