
Ski Dazzle Through Sunday* Ski equipment, information,...

Ski Dazzle Through Sunday

* Ski equipment, information, new products, winter sports clothing and an aerial ski-jumping demonstration are features of the annual Los Angeles Ski Show at the L.A. Convention Center, 1201 S. Figueroa St., Los Angeles. Today-Friday 4-11 p.m.; Saturday 11 a.m.-11 p.m.; Sunday noon-6 p.m. $7; children 6-11, $2.50; 5 and younger free. (213) 741-1151.

Historic Homes Tour Saturday-Sunday

* Altadena Heritage will lead tours through four landmark homes that were built for early settlers by renowned architects. Block party with music, entertainment, refreshments. Mendocino Street and Visscher Place, Altadena. 10 a.m.-4 p.m. $15 (no children under 12). (818) 397-1785.
