
BUENA PARK : Council Approves Parking Changes

To make it easier and safer for buses to pick up children in the Centralia School District, the City Council this week agreed to place parking restrictions on La Cienaga Drive.

Steve Bolman, the city’s director of fiscal services, requested that 15-foot “No Parking” zones be placed next to the district driveway, where the buses are parked.

“It is to provide better visibility for people leaving the driveway,” Don Jensen, city director of engineering services, told the council.


Acting on the request, the council agreed to forbid parking at all times on the south side of La Cienaga Drive east of San Marino Drive. The restrictions will not affect the surrounding neighborhood, Jensen said, adding that residents were notified of the parking changes.

In a related matter, the council also voted to lift parking restrictions on Caballero Boulevard.

Business owners along the street complained that trucks waiting to unload at the nearby Lucky supermarket blocked the road.


The trucks were parking illegally in existing “No Parking” areas. Enforcement efforts by the Police Department failed, so city staff met with managers at Lucky to work out a solution.

The staff recommended removing parking restrictions on the north side of Caballero Boulevard, allowing the trucks to park there. The council agreed.

“It should solve the problems with Lucky stores,” Jensen told the council.
