
The Region : Resurfacing of I-5 Freeway

The California Transportation Commission has approved a $7.1-million project to resurface an eight-mile stretch of the Golden State Freeway (5) from Burbank to just south of the Pasadena Freeway (110) interchange.

The roadway has been cracked by the high volume of traffic. It is one of the busiest sections of the local freeway system, carrying between 14,000 and 19,000 cars per hour during peak hours.

The resurfacing will require lane closures and full-freeway closures. Caltrans engineer Zoe Yue said that complete closures will be confined to midnight to 5 a.m. and that no lanes will be closed during the daytime on weekdays.


The project is expected to go out to bid in a few months, and the work is estimated to take one year.
