
Glendale : Cable Ordinance Urged

A cable television consulting firm urged the City Council on Tuesday to adopt a performance standards ordinance to force Sammons Communications to improve picture quality and customer service.

In an Oct. 4 report, Telecommunications Management Corp. said Sammons, which provides cable service to nearly 60,000 residents in Glendale and Burbank, does not meet national standards of picture quality and customer service. Glendale hired Telecommunications to help negotiate a new service agreement with Dallas-based Sammons.

Carl Pilnick, president of Telecommunications, suggested strongly that the council “institute an enforcement policy that could be applied to all future (cable) franchises.”


Pilnick also recommended that the council offer Sammons a two-year franchise, with an option to renew for a longer period if the company dramatically improves service.

“The shorter term is the biggest leverage that you have,” said Pilnick, who also recommended that the city franchise with another cable system or build its own to force Sammons to improve service.

City staff members are scheduled to submit a final draft ordinance of performance standards to the council in two weeks.


Glendale and Burbank have nearly identical 15-year contracts with Sammons that expire in April, 1994. Negotiations on a new contract are expected to start next year.
