
Azusa : Mobile Home Rent Rollback

Mobile home rents will be rolled back one year, and all subsequent rent increases must be approved by a seven-member review board under an ordinance tentatively approved by the City Council on Monday.

The ordinance is the result of a two-year campaign by the city’s 504 mobile home tenants for rent control.

The Mobilehome Park Rent Review Board, according to the ordinance, will comprise two tenant representatives, two owner representatives and three at-large members who are neither owners nor tenants.


Tenants, under the ordinance, can also request rent decreases from the review board. Any denial of a rent increase or decrease may be arbitrated.

The ordinance was approved 4 to 1, with Councilman John R. Dangleis voting no. Dangleis said he opposes all forms of rent control. The ordinance is scheduled to receive final approval Dec. 2.
